公司技術實力雄厚, 擁有一批高素質的科研隊伍,具備很強的技術開發和研發能力,在植物有效成分化合物的研究、生產及植物有效成分化合物創新等方面有很豐富的技術儲備和經驗,并掌握著其先進的理論原理和實施方法。更有效地著力于新品種的深度開發,拓展應用市場,推動植物有效成分化合物研發的產業化進程。目前,我公司與多家科研院所、醫藥院校和制藥企業建立起了長期的合作關系,擁有遠志系列;人參皂苷系列;柴胡皂苷系列;重樓皂苷系列;川芎系列;肉蓯蓉系列;五味子系列;大黃系列;丹參系列;奎寧酸系列;甘草系列等100余個系列700多個品種,產品遠銷美國、英國、德國、韓國、日本、荷蘭、比利時、法國,俄羅斯、澳大利亞、新西蘭等國家和地區。在市場競爭日趨激烈的今天,我們將一如既往地秉承“一切為了滿足客戶的需求”的經營宗旨;牢固樹立“以客戶需求為準則、以市場需求為導向,不斷開發高質量的新產品,提供客戶滿意的綜合服務質量”的方針。
Sichuan Weikeqi Biological Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise dealt in separating, purifying, selling of chemical reference substance and plant effective constituent *pound.
Our *pany is strong in technology. It has one high-quality scientific research team with strong technological development and research ability. In research, manufacturing, and innovation of plant effective constituent *pound, it has abundant technical storage and is very experienced. It has also mastered advanced theory, principle and implementing method, especially effectively exerted itself to deeply exploit new variety, develop applicable market, and propel industrialization of effective constituent *pound research and development. At present, our *pany has established long partnership with many scientific research stations and institutes, medicine schools and colleges and pharmaceutical enterprises. We have products of more than 700varieties, which are sold to countries far away like America, Great Britain, Germany, Korean, Japan, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, etc. With *petition in market is be*ing increasingly fierce today, we will continue sticking to our business tenet of “all is to satisfy customer’s needs”, and will firmly establish guideline of “based on customer’s needs and oriented to market demand, continue developing new high-quality products and provide customer satisfied integrated service quality”
We wish to cooperate with you sincerely and create bright future together.