全 稱: 全氟辛基磺酸鉀
商 品 名: FC-80鉻霧抑制劑等
結(jié) 構(gòu) 式: CF3CF2CF2CF2CF2CF2CF2CF2SO3K
分 子 式: C8F17SO3K
分 子 量: 538
外 觀: 白色或微黃色粉末
熔 點(diǎn): 390℃(分解)mp:285℃
比 重 d20: 1.100
表面張力(γ): 22mN/m (1‰ aqua)
含 量: ≥98%
用 途:本品系陰離子氟表面活性劑,主要用作電鍍中鉻霧抑制劑、潤濕劑、氟蛋白型泡沫滅火劑的添加劑。
Potassium Perfluoroctanesulfonate
Name of Commodity: FC-95 chrome-fog depressant
[2795-39-3] (trademark against America 3M Corporation: FC-95)
Structural Formula: CF3CF2CF2CF2CF2CF2CF2CF2SO3K
Molecular Formula: C8F17SO3K
Molecular weight: 538
Appearance: white or light-yellow powder
Melting Point: 390℃(decomposition) mp:285℃
Surface Tension(γ): 22mN/m (1‰ aqua)
Content: ≥98%
Uses: This product is a kind of perfluoro anion surfactant which mainly used as chrome-fog depressant and wetter in field of electroplating and additive in fluarbasin foamite.
Package &Storage & Transportation: 500g×20 for plastic bottle and with external soild paper box. Storage is in light of the regulations of general chemicals.